Wabi Sabi Meditation Scrolls

I’ve started creating small, intimate scrolls that fit in the palm of my hand. These have evolved from my fabric meditation book practice and involve many similar techniques and approaches. I start with a strip of fabric that speaks to me and then I tune in to the top and begin to explore and have a conversation with materials, very slowly, in silence or with instrumental music playing. Whenever I try to jump ahead and plan out more than my next step, I get stuck, I can feel a tightness in my body, a desire to control the outcome and see where I am going. Then I take a deep breath and remind myself that I only need to focus on the next stitch and the rest will reveal itself in time to me. Then I feel a softening and relaxing in my body until I come to the next bump in the road and practice this mindfulness again. The process teaches me so much.

I’m deeply inspired by the Japanese wabi sabi aesthetic philosophy that is rooted in Zen Buddhism. I love the wabi sabi qualities of silence, spaciousness, depth, impermanence, subtlety, imperfection and simplicity.

I love that scrolls are such an ancient form of communication, of expression, of connection. I love that they require physical, intimate touch to receive their messages. I love that they have a mystery and wonder about them, about what is held inside.


buried meditation books


contemplation cloths