Reiki, Holistic Massage Therapy & Creative Practices to Support Deep, Soulful Living

I’m Emma Freeman, a heart-led Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Therapist, artist, writer, and teacher. I do soul work rooted in developing an intimate, loving relationship with the body. The body holds it all-our memories, all of our experiences, our emotions that have been unfelt or numbed, our connection to our ancestors and the earth…it’s all right here in these tender and miraculous bodies we’ve been given. Most of us have not been taught how to love our bodies or how to process and understand our emotions in healthy ways so often our bodies are holding onto to stored emotions and experiences that can rise to the surface as symptoms like depression, anxiety, chronic stress, chronically tight muscles, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, autoimmune conditions and more. When we begin to heal our relationships to our bodies, which means also healing our relationships to our minds, hearts and souls, powerful changes can happen that can help us feel more present, more alive, more full of vibrancy and energy to live our lives in more fulfilling ways.

My own long and difficult healing journey has led me to support others on their unique healing journeys back home to their deepest selves. I’ve struggled through multiple addictions including alcohol, an eating disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive behaviors, intense anxiety, self-harm, avoidant insecure attachment and trauma in childhood. I’ve always been very sensitive but didn’t know what to do with that sensitivity so I numbed it or it took over my life in unhealthy ways. I experienced a series of wake up calls within my body that showed me how deeply detached I was from myself and didn’t know it.

Through many years of therapy of various kinds, deep inner work, meditation and mindfulness practices, I have been able to heal many wounds and discover love for myself I didn’t know was possible. It has been by learning how to connect to my body in deep ways and travel into the dark places within me, the painful memories and unhealed wounds, that profound healing and empowerment has happened and continues to happen. I’m sober now and am passionate about supporting others on their healing journeys to reconnect to the most authentic, tender parts of themselves through the portal of the body.

Book a Reiki Session or Restorative Massage

(offered at my healing space in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin)

My Art: What I Have Created

  • Fabric Meditation Books

    I use stitching as a meditation practice to create small, intimate fabric books with natural materials, old textiles and found nature.

  • Buried Meditation Books

    I bury many of my fabric meditation books in the ground and then dig them back up, inviting and exploring transformation, alchemy and collaboration with the earth’s powerful healing energies. This practice has been deeply healing for me.

  • Contemplation Cloths

    I create large slow stitched cloths with simple running stitches (or slow walking stitches) as a practice to find spaciousness and openness within me to ponder, to feel, to explore, to go deep.

  • Poetry as Medicine

    I write poetry as a way to go deeper within myself and the world, to feel and connect, to release and let go, to listen, to lovingly touch what needs care and attention. It is a practice of the Zen Not Knowing or Beginner’s Mind - I never know what I will write when I sit down, but something nudges me to begin and when I do, I am amazed at what emerges on the page and how it makes me feel every single time.

  • Soul Messages: My Found Poetry Meditation Practice

    I sit down with a clear intention to be open and receptive, I put on flowing music and I begin to feel into the energy of the words I cut from magazines. As I slowly move words around, intuitive messages begin to emerge that resonate deeply and subtly with me. It feels like I am receiving the messages or guidance rather than writing the messages myself. It’s magic and so healing. The key is to allow plenty of time - usually an hour or more, if I rush, the depth isn’t there.

  • Wabi Sabi Scrolls

    I explore the Japanese aesthetic philosophy of wabi sabi that is rooted in Zen Buddhism through the practice of creating small, intimate hand stitched scrolls. I practice silence, spaciousness, impermanence, interconnection, imperfection and the other beautifully rich qualities of wabi sabi during the creative process of making these scrolls.

Online Creative Classes to Support Deep Expression. On-Demand, Self-Paced with Instant Access.

  • Make Fabric Meditation Books

    This class focuses on slowing down, working intuitively and exploring stitching as a meditation practice. There are over 35 short videos included with a variety of stitches, incorporating nature, burying the books and more. Great for beginners or experienced stitchers.


  • Make a Slow Stitched Contemplation Cloth

    We'll work with soft fabrics and thread to gently go inward, reconnect with silence and stillness as healing spaces where wisdom, insight and release naturally unfold. This practice is intuitive, calming, deceptively simple and very deep and surprising. It can help support people through grief, transitions, recovery from addiction, healing from injuries, depression and anxiety and more. It’s great for beginners and experienced stitchers of all ages.


  • By the Light of a Poem: A 30 Day Soulful Writing Journey

    In this class, I guide you through a simple daily writing practice to discover what wants to move up and out of you on to the page. I share 30 poems all by different poets along with simple prompts to spark your writing each day. This is intuitive, automatic, free writing with no rules, right or wrong, good or bad. The focus is on being present, open, receptive and allowing ourselves to feel and express what emerges in the moment. What continues to happen through this process amazes me for myself and for so many others-it is gently empowering and transformative.


  • Make Wabi Sabi Mixed Media Books

    Play with paper, fabric, ink, stitching, found nature, mark making and more while exploring the beautifully rich Japanese philosophy of wabi sabi that is rooted in Zen Buddhism. Explore principles like simplicity, subtlety, spaciousness, impermanence, imperfection and mystery through the creative process of book creation.


  • Soul Messages: A Found Poetry Workshop

    Explore an intuitive, playful way of creating, discovering & receiving poetic messages from gathered words we cut out from magazines. We will expand and deepen our relationship with the energies within language and discover hidden messages within the pile of words that will surprise and delight us. This is a meditation practice that can open us to deeper knowing and a connection to our subtle sensitivities. It can also help support writing practices and what emerges can become prompts for other writing or creating.


  • Zen and the Art of Nature Weaving

    Learn to create beautiful, simple weavings on pieces of nature found on walks. Connect more deeply with the incredible world around you and within you through this slow, meditative process. We’ll explore and weave in Zen Buddhist teachings and practices along the way.


  • Slow Stitching Class Bundle

    This bundle includes these classes that incorporate slow stitching practices:

    -Make Fabric Meditation Books

    -Make a Slow Stitched Contemplation Cloth

    $75 ($100 value)

  • Book Making Class Bundle

    In this bundle, you get my two book making classes at a discounted price.

    This bundle includes these classes:

    -Make Fabric Meditation Books

    -Make Wabi Sabi Mixed Media Books

    $85 ($110 value)

  • Poetry Class Bundle

    In this bundle, you get two of my poetry classes for a discounted price.

    This bundle includes these classes:

    -By the Light of a Poem: A 30 Day Writing Journey

    -Soul Messages: A Found Poetry Workshop

    $70 ($90 value)

  • Wabi Sabi Books Contemplation Cloth Bundle

    In this bundle, you get access to these two classes:
    -Make Wabi Sabi Mixed Media Books

    -Make a Slow Stitched Contemplation Cloth

    $75 ($100 value)

“The world doesn’t need more successful people. The world desperately needs more healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds.”

-dalai lama