Soul Messages: My Found Poetry Meditation Practice

I sit down with a clear intention to be open and receptive, I put on flowing music and I begin to feel into the energy of the words I cut from magazines. As I slowly move words around, intuitive messages begin to emerge that resonate deeply and subtly with me. It feels like I am receiving the messages or guidance rather than writing the messages myself. Itā€™s magic and so healing. The key is to allow plenty of time - usually an hour or more, if I rush, the depth isnā€™t there.

Inspired by the book poemcrazy: freeing your life with words by Susan Wooldridge, I gather words from magazines and conversations and cut them up, put them in a jar. light a candle, put on instrumental music and pour some out on my table. I play with moving them around and listening and feeling into them, watching them deeply with curiosity and receptivity. Slowly, certain words begin speaking to others. What emerges each time are these messages to me, reminders, insightsā€¦ they feel like they are from beyond me and deep within me somehowā€¦from my unconscious or soul maybeā€¦

This has become a spiritual practice with words. I find soul medicine and gentle guidance within what appears.


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