Blood Line
by Emma Freeman
As I watch the passengers board
I wonder...
Where are they coming from?
What have they just left behind?
What do they wish they could see or touch one more time?
I wonder if they know where they are going
If they have any sense of the impact
they will have on what lies ahead of them
What baggage do they carry?
How did they choose what to pack and what to leave
What was necessary and what there wasn’t room for?
Suitcases full of delicate hopes and fragile, silent dreams
Layers of fears carefully folded and contained
such deep wounds tucked into pockets
Kept safely in a place hidden from view
Will they clothe themselves in all that they carry
or shed some layers during their journey?
How have they been shaped by it all
and I wonder
I how that will that trickle down the line
how it has already trickled down the line…