The Buried Light

by Emma Freeman

As I dug down into my soft earth

down down down

deep within

feeling my way through winding tunnels of memories

and hidden networks of emotions

lost in the charged darkness

suddenly a flicker appeared out of nowhere

thinking I imagined it

I waited 

until there it was again

heart pounding

my hands reached out and began to uncover

a luminous seed of light 

glowing from the inside out

As I dug and dug

I found hundreds of them

buried deep underground

and they began to illuminate that fertile darkness

filling me with their light

radiating throughout my whole being

my body reconnecting to a power source buried long ago

in an avalanche of conditioning 

that had snuffed it out

or so they thought

but little did they know it was still there all along

kept safe

deep deep deep below my surface

waiting for me to reach down gently

take my hands 

and start digging…