Called into Question

by Emma Freeman

It hears the call from way off in the distance somewhere

picks up and begins to travel invisibly across the air

swirling under



and around

knowing exactly where it is headed

taking its time to get to just the right place at just the right time

then at just the right moment  

it arrives

and flows itself  into the container of a question

inside the soft body of a someone standing there

unguarded and open to receive what is ready to be received

it pools and rises inside that inner container

filling it with its curious light

until that someone suddenly feels 

the warmth and weight of it inside of them

and pauses

turning their head slightly as if to get an ear closer to themselves

so they can listen down into what has just arrived

seemingly out of nowhere

which really came from somewhere 

deep, vast and unknown

They begin to feel into it and around its edges

like touching a textured living being with a blindfold on

trying to decipher it

figure out what it is and where it came from

As they slowly feel a sense of powerful wonder emerge

they take a deep breath 

and let the light of the question rise and flow out of their mouth

watching as it begins to reshape the world around them…