Light Keeper
by Emma Freeman
All day long
she wanders around
quietly looking for the lost light seeds
that are floating like fireflies
suspended in the air
separated from their source
left behind by someone who unknowingly dropped one
while in pain
while struggling or suffering
while being carefully molded by the powers that be
A few seeds here
A few seeds there
falling slowly away without them noticing
She travels to find each one
guided by an invisible map
she was given inside her subtle senses
When one appears on her path
she reaches out and carefully cups it in her soft hands
greeting it with a gentle smile of recognition
She has gathered thousands by now
kept safe in her home deep inside the dark forest
It's there that she tends to them
leaning in close and listening to their stories
and watching as their radiance grows stronger
in the presence of the others
When it’s time to venture out again
she brings many tucked against her heart
giving them back to anyone she can tell
is missing some of their light
Those who have dark spots that need filling in
like replacing the lightbulbs in a shadowy house
She does it silently as she passes by
never for attention
always to heal and to help
There are many like her
a network of light keepers
working alone
but connected by an inner sense of knowing
that they are here to protect the light
and return it to its sacred home