Winter Walk
by Emma Freeman
Dusty gray nest rattling high in the tree
as my footsteps shatter the silence of salty puddles
Nostalgic echoes reverberate across the frozen lake
as a still wave patiently waits to crash
My silhouette slides across the bodies of dappled trees
as I walk over networks of deep cracks
catching a glimpse of a hidden world beneath my feet
I reach an ungloved hand out to greet little pine’s soft fingers
as a flutter of mourning doves scatters suddenly into the air
A wooded hush draws me in
with wind bent bodies reaching down for their roots
Deer stand silently in an open field
before ripples of a new presence lift their legs
and carry them away
A hawk, my momentary parallel traveler
perched and present as I pass by
watching me watching her
two creatures bound by this moment
breathing the same crisp air
both instinctually searching for something we can’t name
The glowing presence of the moon above my head
quietly witnessing all of this wandering
our bodies invisibly tethered
A deep breath
and some subtle note at the very end
transports me into a memory across time
for a moment
then right back here
walking through shallow pools of sorbet skies
on my way slowly back home