Reflections and Lessons from 2024

I love this time of the year. I find myself reflecting and distilling down all that happened in the year, what I learned and experienced, what I'm grateful for, what I'm ready to release and what I'm carrying with me into the new year. 2024 was a year of growth and discovery, connection and care, play and joy...and healing. I connected with beautiful souls seeking healing for many different reasons-physical pain, emotional struggles, life transitions, spiritual exploration.

I have been reflecting on what healing means as I dive deeper into this healing work with myself and others. For me, healing means returning. Returning to the true essence of who I am and exploring, uncovering, learning, struggling and growing through all the lessons and experiences to touch that true essence, which ultimately, is love.

Healing for me means returning to my joy of dancing this year after losing touch with it after harsh words were said to me which altered my relationship to it many years ago. Healing means looking in the mirror and being kind to myself after years of saying awful things to the person I saw reflected back. Healing means being able to sit in silence and compassionately witness all of the deep emotions I feel without numbing or running away from them like I used to. Healing means honoring and touching my deep sensitivity and seeing it as a gift rather than a punishment like I did for so long. 

Healing is a mindset, a choice, to learn and to take sacred action to explore myself in deeper ways in a loving way without knowing what I will find. Healing is a journey of self-discovery that is incredibly difficult, rewarding, profoundly beautiful and meaningful. 

Healing takes courageous action, determination, vulnerability, radical honesty with ourselves, self-reflection and a willingness to not give up. It is not easy. Healing is soul work. It reshapes us, shifts parts of ourselves, asks us to journey into old wounds to find the medicine hidden within them. This is sacred, tender work.

Some lessons I’ve learned from 2024:

-Everyone’s healing journey is unique and unfolds in ways that are unpredictable.

-There are people who are not ready to heal on a deeper level and that is part of their journey that I always want to respect.

-Reiki is extraordinary!

-The power of intention has opened my heart and mind to experiences I never knew were possible.

-There is so much loving support available to us beyond our “regular” reality when we open to exploring and connecting.

-Intuition is a profound gift that has opened, expanded and deepened the more attention and focus I have given it. Signs, synchronicities, things I know which can’t explain logically all grew a lot this year.

-My business is part of my personal spiritual and creative practice. As I grow and evolve, so does the business. It is a dynamic, living container for exploration, connection and learning for me and anyone who feels drawn to work with me.

-Our bodies are constantly communicating with us through sensations and signs about what they need to feel healthy and balanced.

-The aura / biofield around our bodies is very real and can be influenced, supported and healed through Reiki and other healing practices. This year, I learned how to feel and sense it during many sessions with clients and myself. It has been surprising and amazing!

-My psychic abilities have opened a lot this year. I have been able to perceive many things clairvoyantly, hear messages from Spirit, feel energies from various dimensions, see and connect with ancestors, beings of light, angels and guardians of clients during some Reiki and Multidimensional Energy Healing Sessions. I keep sensing that this is only the beginning and that excites me.

-Energy protection practices are powerful and practical. I have played with a variety of them this year and have found them to help me feel less drained, more energized and have clearer boundaries with people where I don’t feel like I am taking on their emotional energy like I used to.

-Crystals are amazing! I was inspired to work with crystals a lot this year during my own meditations and Reiki sessions and with clients. I began to feel their energies in subtle and sometimes powerful ways. I experienced how they can gently help clear and move energy in the body and aura/biofield and help bring in restorative healing energies to help support balance, clarity and vitality within the body, heart and mind. I’m looking forward to continuing to explore with them and see what else is possible.

I’m sure there are more but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment.

For 2025, my intention is to stay grounded in love, to continue living, creating and sharing from my heart and let that unfold and guide me wherever I am meant to go. I’m open and ready for surprises, fun, depth, joy and connection that is aligned with my highest good and the highest good of all beings.

Here are some photos from the year.


Working with crystals during Reiki sessions